New and Old!

My Grand MA 2 Ultralight networked (and sitting) next to my new MA3 Light today at the Greek in LA!

Grand MA3 Light!

After months of waiting, it finally came in last night. Anyone need to rent a Grand MA3?


Creating a photography darkroom in 2018

For over ten years now I have been taking digital photos of all kinds of things/people. Had always wanted to step back in time and learn how (basically) all of photography had been processed not that long ago. Been taking a class on darkroom/film photography and enjoyed it so much been working on setting up a studio at my house. Will post some images once the chemistry comes in and I get to start making prints! It’s neat in this day and age to have something physical when creating, so much these days is 1s and 0s

That's a Wrap!

Had an amazing time on the 2018 Weird Al Tour!!!!!!! Now my bed for a little

First time providing the gear!

Getting to not only be Lighting Designer on the up-coming Al tour. But also getting to be the sole lighting gear provider! Can’t wait to get to play with some of the new gear!! My dog unfortunately, was not provided for the tour.

Frankenstein Fresnels!

Have been messing with some wacky ideas of combining the old with the new in the lighting world. Looking forwarded to having these on the next Al Tour!!

Six Flags 2017

Excited to be back out at Six Flags over Georgia this Holiday season to design lighting for Fright Fest and Holiday in the Park. Think this is my eleventh year designing there, did take a few years off in there.. 

Taco Bell

Nice big show in Hawaii. Pretty busy with it and ended up seeing the beach as we flew out, but was really proud of how this show looked given it was a bit crazy of a load in, etc...